Just got my hands on the Linde Werdelin "Two-Timer". This is a perfect marriage between mechanical and technological. A match made in heaven for those of us that love technology yet can't go quartz on a watch. You have your diver automatic and when you need to get fancy, slap the computer on and... "vualá"! This baby is wireless to your computer; it measures your pulse, outside temperature, altitude and has a compass. The Linde is much more impressive in the flesh than in pictures. Very well machined and finished. The "Land" computer will only be available end of March so I can't give you my thoughts on that one yet. I am relieved to see that the rear is not sapphire/rear-glass, but solid instead. Divers should not be sapphire it defeats their purpose and considerably lowers it waterproofness. Most manufacturers like to display the movements for commercial reasons, generally a wrong move especially if it's a diver. The insides are quite common. The ETA "2893" is nothing fancy, but it's perfect for what this watch is supposed to accomplish. Remember, this is a sports watch, you do not want something excessively refined and delicate. Plus the ETA is so common that it can be serviced at a relatively low cost anywhere (in the civilized world).
Watches and computers are sold separately so that later you can choose the combination that most suits you. The price of the "Two Timer" with a computer should be around 5,500 Euros.
Linde Werdelin...
Just, odd. ;-)
Are you able to tell the time somehow with the computer on it? It does not appear the computer has a clock on it....
The time is always visible like all the other functions. When you are in a function the other get reduced and show on the perimeter.
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